I describe my method as: Simple, Strategic and Successful (don't worry, I'm more humble than that, but my clients on the other hand ... see what they have to say!).
What sets a professional creative apart from your teen's social media abilities (you know, the one you hired to manage your posts) or the feat of asking 50 friends to like/follow your page? For starters:
• 10+ years of campaign and customer relationship management
• a niche for small businesses, non-profits and entrepreneurs
• intentional, strategic marketing research actualizing client goals, both relationally and financially
• creativity for days (weeks, months and even years, at times!)
• transparency, because what can truly get done without this

My primary goal is to ensure you grow. I would be honored to partner with you in disrupting market perception and surpassing expectations (and sometimes we both have to recognize that doesn't mean trending on TikTok nor using a .net email address. Trust me!).
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