It's never too early to plan for the future of your business. In fact, having high-level goals will help guide the direction of your endeavours! In order to break that goal down into achievable, bite-size steps, make sure to use the S.M.A.RT. method: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. For example, Winning the lottery is a goal everyone identifies with, but let's break it down via SMART:
Specific: There are 5 types of lottery games - lottos, smaller lottos, daily lottery, multi-state lottery, and instant lottery. Pick one and define why you want to win it.
- I want to win the powerball lottery so I can retire within 3 weeks.
Measurable: I'm going to go out on a limb and say you want to win more than just a dollar scratch off?
- I can retire within 3 weeks if I win the powerball worth $1.5 million.
Attainable: Meh. But, we will just pretend it is.
- I know the winning numbers are in my city, at one of three gas stations.
Realistic/Relevant: Again, just go with me here ...
- If I plan to retire within 3 weeks and my only hope is to win the lottery AND all three gas stations are within a 60-minute drive, I can get to each of them in one day. This is both realistic and relevant.
Timely: This is great! The next drawing will take place in 2 days, therefor...
- This goal can be achieved within 3 weeks, and the factor affecting my goal takes place within 3 weeks, 2 day to be exact, leaving one day to purchase and collect my tickets.
After determining your SMART supporting statements, defining your tactics (how will I get to the gas stations, when will I go, what numbers am I going to play?), Step 4 and 5 will hold you accountable. Reviewing your process and results will ensure your process either worked or didn't, in which case reviewing your goal and strategies are necessary.
Would love to know if you did retire based off of these quick tips ;-)
Creatively Yours,